The District Board of the Polish Hunting Association in Świętokrzyskie supervises over 2500 members. Additionally, 27 non-resident clubs (from outside the district) also function in here. The area covers over 820 000 hectares (2 026 264,13 acres), of which 243 000 ha (600 466,08 acres) are forests.
Reasonable hunting is an important, yet not only, field of the huntsmen’s activity in Świętokrzyskie, as ecological education also plays a major part in their work. It is being implemented in many ways, e.g. through cooperation with the local authorities and public institutions, which involves also co-working with the schools. The Świętokrzyskie hunters emphasise the importance of hunting culture, beauty and ethical code, but most of all, they want to spread it among those whose knowledge about the huntsmanship’s economical dimension is insufficient. The hunting festivals, trophy presentations, hunting dogs’ competitions and falconry shows may possibly become the fundamental elements of such ecological education.
It is important to stress that huntsmanship is also a self-existent tradition, cultivated for centuries. It includes a specific jargon, gestures, music, cuisine, as well as, other characteristic elements, e.g. pokot (a display of trophies of the hunt), which are its inseparable attributes.